Order a Karen Thurlow yard sign here!
Your contribution will help ensure we have a reasonable, common-sense voice for District 11. Join us as we fight to eliminate the stronghold that extremists have on our current legislature.
Donate to Karen Thurlow for Senate
Prefer to send a check?
2480 W 162nd Street
Stilwell, KS 66085
Every donation helps us fight for:
Reproductive rights
Public school funding and support
Medicaid expansion
Fair taxes
Whether you’re making a one-time donation or signing up for monthly recurring contributions*, we’re grateful for your support.
Let’s do this!
*Recurring contributions are only available through ActBlue
**Please note: The maximum donation is $1,000 per person for the primary election cycle and for the general election cycle
Your contribution will help ensure we have a reasonable, common-sense voice for District 11. Join us as we fight to eliminate the stronghold that extremists have on our current legislature.
Donate to Karen Thurlow for Senate
Prefer to send a check?
2480 W 162nd Street
Stilwell, KS 66085
Reproductive rights
Public school funding and support
Medicaid expansion
Fair taxes
Whether you’re making a one-time donation or signing up for monthly recurring contributions*, we’re grateful for your support.
Let’s do this!
*Recurring contributions are only available through ActBlue
**Please note: The maximum donation is $1,000 per person for the primary election cycle and for the general election cycle